Crowds of hungry customers stand and stare as four-year-old Kayla runs over to her mom. Tears are streaming down her face, and she hysterically sobs into her mom’s arms. Nicole, Kayla’s mom, comforts her daughter. “What’s the matter?” Nicole frantically asks. But Kayla can’t speak. She just sobs, sounding like she’s in pain.
But then Nicole sees it. There’s something on her leg.
Earlier in the day, New Years Day to be exact, Nicole and Kayla decided to spend the sunny day at the park, followed by some food at Kayla’s favorite restaurant, McDonald’s.
Locking the front door, Nicole turns to Kayla, “you ready?” she asks and she holds her hand. Together they walk off, not knowing what was in store for them.
Arriving at the park, with the piercing sun shimmering down on the mother and daughter duo, Kayla runs towards a roundabout and begs her mom to spin her.
Nicole turns around to find Kayla had fallen over and grazed her hand. “Oh no!” says Nicole as she comforts her daughter. “Can we get food now?” Kayla asks in between sobs. “Sure thing,” Nicole replies, and they set off to their local McDonald’s restaurant about 10 minutes away.
Arriving at McDonald’s, Nicole and Kayla walk into the restaurant to find a handful of people spread out over the polished, green tables. Nicole notices a group of teenagers in the corner, they’re listening to music while sipping on their drinks. Two of the teenagers suddenly look at Nicole and her daughter and snigger.
After what seemed like forever, Nicole was finally at the front of the queue. She orders their food and tells Kayla to go wait at the table in the corner. Kayla walks off and sits by herself at the table while watching a YouTube video on Nicole’s phone.
But then suddenly, a piercing scream can be heard.