Soldier cries as he watches wife give birth over FaceTime in airport


A soldier delayed at an airport watched his wife give birth to their daughter over FaceTime.

Brooks Lindsey sat slumped in a corner as he watched his wife Haley give birth in Brandon, Mississippi to a baby girl named Millie Fritz Anne Lindsey on Friday.

A woman travelling with him from El Paso, Texas filmed the doting father’s concerned reactions to the birth, his eyes glued to the screen as he nervously took deep breaths and cried when his daughter was born.

Soldier Brooks Lindsey's watched his wife give birth to their daughter via FaceTime as his flight from his base in Texas to home in Mississippi was delayed


A woman traveling with him posted this image of Brooks on the floor FaceTiming his wife

'This Army soldier was on my delayed flight home yesterday to MS. He had to watch the birth of his daughter on FaceTime. He was crying and our hearts were breaking. We all gave him space. When we heard the baby cry, we all rejoiced for him,' Tracy Dover wrote on Facebook.

'I wanted to share this because I never want us to forget about our soldiers who serve us everyday and the sacrifices they make,' she added.  


Speaking to , his wife Haley Lindsey, 22, revealed that she attended a regular doctor's appointment on Thursday and was told the hospital was going to induce her birth because the baby was under stress.

'I called Brooks frantic and he was so excited!' she said. 

She then called the Red Cross to ask as per military protocol to send the soldier home for the birth.

'I get to the hospital at 3pm Thursday and they confirm my state and tell Brooks to book a flight from El Paso to Dallas layover then to Jackson but that he could not book a flight until after 10am the following day! I was sure that we would already have a baby by then!' she said.



By Friday at 7am her water broke, just three hours before Brooks arrived to the airport in El Paso to board his flight. 

The little girl named Millie Fritz Anne Lindsey was born at 5:23pm. Her father arrived to the airport two hours after she was born 

Millie was born at seven pounds, six ounces on May 5 and she was two weeks early

'He called me as soon as that flight landed in Dallas at 2:38 central time and I was 5 centimeters dilated.


He was scheduled to take off at 3:55 but LUCKILY his flight was delayed to 5:45. Without that delay Brooks would have been in the air and unable to FaceTime!' she said.

She then asked her step mother and mother-in-law to stay in the room as she went into labor at 5pm. 

It was her mother-in-law who secretly FaceTimed Brooks. 

'Brooks was telling me it was okay, and I was doing so good and I heard him wincing and saying "wow!" through my pushes. I could hear people in the airport talking and cheering!' 

'Brooks then went on to say that they were making him board and needed to get off as soon as she finally started to crown and all I remember was my Doctor screaming "Don’t let him board the flight! She’s here! She’s here!" So, the airport personnel let him sit there and watch till it was over!' she added.

The father then cried when he saw his little girl on the screen. 

She was born two weeks early on Friday May 5 at 5:23pm at seven pounds, six ounces. 


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